Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Eco-Resolution #3- No 'poo!

tricks of the family trade
So, I'm a bit behind on this one. . .

But here goes are eco-resolution #3 challenge- No shampoo! Right now, you are probably saying, "What??? Are you out of your mind?", but really here is the madness behind this.

Going off shampoo has been said to make hair brighter, tamer, and most importantly chemical-free. Have you ever read the label to your shampoo? It's a bit scary. Plus, this is another great money saver!

You’re thinking you could never do without shampoo, that your hair would be a big oily mess — but it’s quite the opposite. It's a supply and demand relationship. The more we strip away the natural oils, the more demand we are creating and the more oils our bodies will make. So if you stop using the surfactants cold turkey, your body will still be overproducing oil and there will be a lot of oil until your body reaches a balance again. This is where baking soda and vinegar come in. . .

So how does this work?
Dissolve about 1 tablespoon of baking soda in just enough water to make a paste. Apply this to your roots only; work it in and let it sit for a minute. In order to really get the grime off, make sure to massage the paste around on your scalp and clean the pores. Be careful you don't do it so vigorously that you break your hairs though. Final step is rinse with equal parts water and apple cider vinegar.

Here are some sites to check for more information.  I promise to post up-to-date photos of the process.  Keep checking Tricks of the Family Trade Facebook site for photos.  Feel free to post your own updates and photos!

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