Saturday, September 8, 2012

Fabric flowers

I was looking for a homemade birthday gift for a sweet little girl and came across these.  What is sweeter than flowers for a little girl?  They are super easy to make!

These I put on a little barrette.  You could add any embellishment- I found some cute pearl buttons to sew on.  

I had some upholstery fabric that I thought might look neat for some fall decor.  But it didn't come out quite as nice.  Maybe with a wood button in the center it would look better.  A few of these on a grapevine wreath could be fun?

Here is another one with more upholstery fabric.  Because of it's thickness it is a bit harder to work with.  You need to have some pins to keep it together before the glue dries.  But I like the way this one came out much better.  

Here is the link with a tutorial that I used.  

Have fun!

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