Sunday, February 5, 2012

Our acupuncture experience

A year and two miscarriages. . .

Chamomile tea, honey and lemon juice, exercise. . .I have always aimed to eat healthy (this doesn't mean I am a saint. . .I get weak in the knees for junk food just like the rest of the world), and try more natural remedies before I would down two tablespoons of cough syrup or head to the doctor for this pain or that.  I don't recall our mother giving us ginger tea or anything, but we also didn't run to the doctor for every last cough or pain.  My sister ended up as a massage therapist and I am the 'crunchy' daughter, so somewhere it all rubbed off onto us.

This all being said, up until 2008, I never turned to anything like acupuncture, reiki, energy healing, etc.  Early 2008 though, I had to have an emergency surgery, and have one ovary removed.  It was terrifying, and made hubby and I think, maybe we shouldn't wait the two extra planned years to start a family.  I was told I wouldn't have any problems due to only having the one ovary- and I don't think I did.  But, to make sure my body was healed and ready, I visited a dear friend, Janet, co-owner of Wepner Wellness.  We did one energy session. . .hindsight, I probably should have done more.

Fast-forward a year later.  Still not pregnant.  Now counting days in my cycle, taking my temperature. . .I don't wish this on my enemies.  This is not how it is supposed to be.  We had two miscarriages, and so finally I made an appointment with the doctor.  Of course there was a magic pill. . .but I refused.  Steven and I always knew we would adopt, and we had decided at the beginning of our journey that we would not try any western style mumbo jumbo- no pills- no 'magic' procedures- no weird hormones.  But we didn't say anything about acupuncture. . .

I kept hearing how this person had done acupuncture and got pregnant, and that person, so I asked Steven for one more month.  If it didn't happen then we would start the process towards adoption.  So I made an appointment with Dr. Hemmen in Hickory and started acupuncture.  I went twice a week based on points in my cycle.  After the first week I could start to tell a difference in my overall health and well being.  After the first month, I told Steven that I knew this would be it.  So we continued. . .well, we never had to finish the second month.  No doubt in my mind, it was the acupuncture.  I had lived my whole life up until this point with what I thought was the norm- I was so wrong.  Hormones really can make things wacky when they are a bit out of whack!

I continued a few other times during the pregnancy.  For anxiety mostly.  When you get as big as I did. . .well you start to get a bit anxious about the logistics :). 

So my son has made us believers.  

I would love to hear any experiences you may have had with acupuncture, or any other type of alternative therapy.  If you would like to be a guest blogger this week, please let me know.  I would be glad to link blogs and share with our communities!


  1. Have you also heard about fertility acupuncture for men? Previous research has shown that the number and percentage of sperm count will increase dramatically through this acupuncture procedure. What’s better, this is safe and healthy for patients. It’s amazing that alternative medicine like this is getting better and now has a wider scope with regards to health problems.

    Erik Denmon

    1. Erik- that is great! It is such a better alternative (IMO) to drugs and some of the treatments used most often. It seems ironic though that this acupuncture has been around for centuries, but is still considered alternative! Thanks for the information!
